The fruits of our teamwork are solutions for better future.
Our exceptional multidisciplinary teams for roads and railways, structures, architecture, urban development and planning, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, hydraulic engineering, geotechnical engineering, geodesy, transport economics and technology, engineering services and environmental protection, are well-trained and equipped for developing most complex designs, the imperative being to find the most rational solutions for our clients.
Team for Roads and Railways

The Team for Roads and Railways deals with preparation of technical documentation – General designs, Conceptual designs, Preliminary designs, Building permit designs, Detailed designs and As-built designs for the construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation of civil engineering projects. The Team for Roads and Railways includes the Group for Roads and the Group for Rail Systems.
The Group for Roads is responsible for preparation of the following documentation for the construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation, which include:
– Road design (Ia class, Ib class, IIa class, IIb class),
– Airport and heliport design,
– Municipal roads (in and out of populated areas), streets (urban roads, class I, class II, class III and unclassified roads), squares and parking lots design.
The Group for Rail Systems is responsible for preparation of documentation for the construction of new infrastructure and the reconstruction, modernization and maintenance of existing railway infrastructure, which include:
– Railway network design (main, regional, local, cargo handling and museum-tourist railway lines; passenger, freight and integrated stations, junctions and terminals),
– Industrial track design,
– Metro network design,
– Tram network design.
We need to mention extensive experience and knowledge of the Team for Roads and Railways in implementation of numerous key linear infrastructure projects (highways, main railway lines, high-speed railway lines, and similar) of exceptional importance for development of macro-infrastructure in one country, which are very complex, multidisciplinary and extremely expensive projects.
Structural Engineering Team
The Structural Engineering Team successfully performs the following tasks:
– Viaduct and bridge design, for all purposes, spans, structural systems, cross sections and materials (steel, reinforced concrete, prestressed and composite structures),
– Overpasses, underpasses, pedestrian subways, railway and road culverts designs,
– Railway and road tunnels and galleries, and special types of underground infrastructure facilities designs,
– High structures designs (towers, antenna poles and GSMR masts, high bridge piers),
– Engineering structures designs (structures for protection of deep cuts and slopes, retaining walls, anchored walls and structures, pile structures, reinforced earth walls, rehabilitation of landslides),
– Noise wall design,
– Preparation of designs for rehabilitation and reconstruction of existing railway and road bridges and tunnels,
– Testing of structures, testing of railway and road bridges.
Some members of the Structural Engineering Team dealing with structural design of buildings for various purposes: residential, commercial, medical, educational, buildings for infrastructure purposes, etc., work in the Architecture and Urban Planning Department.
The Structural Engineering Team prepares technical documentation at all levels: General designs, Conceptual designs, Preliminary designs, Building permit designs and Detailed designs.

Architecture Team

A team of architects and their associates, with a high level of knowledge and experience, creates and designs buildings for various purposes: residential, educational, administrative, medical, commercial, sports, etc. Our architects are specialized in the design of buildings for traffic infrastructure purposes – railway and bus stations. Our team pays special attention to the reconstruction of cultural-historical buildings of exceptional importance, and the construction of new buildings, which are part of the protected cultural-historical and natural units.
We design space taking account of energy efficiency and fire safety.
Our teams also deal with landscaping and equipment planning for open urban areas, squares, promenades, and development of infrastructure corridors.
We are proud of our teams that participate and win prizes in urban and architectural competitions.
When implementing architectural ideas, the Architecture Team is primarily supported by our team responsible for design of building structures. Cooperation between teams results in creation of the highest performance space.
The ideas of our architects have been elaborated at all levels of technical documentation through conceptual designs, preliminary designs, building permit designs, detailed designs, energy efficiency reports, and fire safety reports and designs.
In addition to design services, we provide our clients with design consulting services and services for communication with relevant authorities in the procedures for obtaining documents necessary for construction of facilities.
Team for Urban and Spatial Planning
The Team for Urban and Spatial Planning, as a multidisciplinary team composed of spatial planners and architects – urban planners, defines guidelines, rules and actions for improvement of conditions in space and settlements of the Republic of Serbia by preparation of planning and urban development documentation. Our team is specialized in the preparation of planning documents for railway and highway infrastructure corridors. The Team for Urban and Spatial Planning deals with the preparation of Spatial plans of special-purpose areas, Spatial plans of local self-government units, Detailed regulation plans and Urban designs. The Team for Urban and Spatial Planning participated in the preparation of the Spatial plan of the Republic of Serbia as the highest strategic development document of the Republic of Serbia. Spatial planners and their associates from different teams of Saobraćajni institut CIP, were involved in the preparation of chapters related to road, railway, air and water transport, and intermodal centres.
The quality of work and achievements of the Team for Urban and Spatial Planning are proved by professional and other recognitions and awards obtained in numerous competitions and International salons of urban planning and architecture. The spatial and urban planning documentation is prepared in professional manner and in compliance with the guidelines for environmental preservation guidelines and sustainable development guidelines.

Electrical Engineering Team

The Electrical Engineering Team performs the following tasks:
– Preparation of designs of electric power systems and installations for road infrastructure,
– Preparation of designs of electric power systems and installations for building construction projects,
– Preparation of designs of electric traction fixed installations for railway infrastructure (overhead catenary system, electric traction installations, etc),
– Preparation of designs for remote control of railway electric traction systems,
– Preparation of designs for reconstruction of 110 kV, 220 kV and 400 kV transmission lines,
– Preparation of designs for railway signalling-interlocking devices,
– Preparation of designs of telecommunication and signalling systems and installations, and integrated solutions for road infrastructure,
– Preparation of designs of telecommunication and signalling systems and installations and integrated solutions for building construction projects,
– Preparation of designs of railway telecommunication systems – dispatching systems, ground-train radio systems, GSM-R systems.
Members of the Electrical Engineering Team successfully cooperate with other teams in our Company.
Mechanical Engineering Team
The Mechanical Engineering Team is responsible for all types of technical documentation in the field of railway mechanical engineering, thermal engineering, gas and process installations, and studies in the field of railway mechanical engineering for procurement of railway vehicles and railway equipment. Preparation of technical documentation for vertical transport includes all types of freight and passenger elevators, hoists, cranes, etc.
The railway mechanical engineering covers:
– Preparation of studies on procurement of rolling stock,
– Preparation of studies on maintenance of railway vehicles,
– Preparation of studies on wear and breakdown of railway vehicles and equipment,
– Mechanical and technological designs of facilities for maintenance and supply of railway vehicles,
– Mechanical and technological designs for installation of specialized railway equipment for monitoring condition of railway vehicles.
Thermal engineering, gas and process installations:
– Internal thermal engineering installations – HVAC installations in all types of buildings (hospitals and other medical, commercial, industrial, residential, cultural, educational, sports and similar facilities),
– Specific types of HVAC installations – heating of football fields, formation of skating rinks, and similar,
– Boiler houses and heating substations,
– Internal gas installations,
– Outdoor hot water and gas systems,
– Safety ventilation and smoke control systems for infrastructure facilities and buildings (tunnels, industrial facilities)
– Compressed air installations,
– Medical gas installations,
– Fixed fire-extinguishing systems.

Hydraulic Engineering Team

The Hydraulic Engineering Teams are engaged in the preparation of:
– Outdoor water supply and sewage installations designs,
– Indoor building installations designs,
– Drainage systems for linear traffic systems designs (highways, railway lines, etc),
– Regulation of natural and artificial watercourses designs.
Geotechnical Engineering Team
The Geotechnical Engineering Team is responsible for field investigations, execution of geotechnical investigation works and preparation of geotechnical documentation for construction, rehabilitation and reconstruction of facilities.
In the technical documentation preparation process, the activities of the Geotechnical Engineering Team precede the design activities of other teams. The work results of the Geotechnical Engineering Team are the basis for the work of designers in other teams.

Geodesy Team

The Geodesy Team deals with engineering geodesy, geodetic works related to the real estate cadastre, and other specific-purpose tasks. In addition, the relevant design documentation in the field of geodesy is prepared in the Department of Geodesy.
The Geodesy Team performs the following tasks:
– Geodetic survey of terrain and structures (railway lines, roads, bridges, tunnels, buildings, terrain topography),
– Preparation of survey maps (topographical plans, cadastral-topographic plans, digital terrain model),
– Preparation of reports on geodetic works,
– Design and establishment of geodetic networks (main traverses, geodetic reference networks, special-purpose micro networks),
– Preparation of Reports on geodetic network,
– Preparation of Designs of geodetic works,
– Preparation of Geodetic setting out designs,
– Preparation of Land acquisition designs and/or Geodetic setting out designs as part of Reparcelling designs,
– Preparation of Designs for geodetic auscultation of soil and structural behaviour,
– Specific-purpose activities (geodetic auscultation of structural behaviour, monitoring of settlements, testing of structures, 3D laser scanning),
– Survey of railway track geometry and control of geometry of tracks and infrastructure facilities in real time.
Team for Transport Economics and Technology
The Team for Transport Economics and Technology deals with:
– Economic and financial analyses of infrastructure projects and other capital projects,
– Planning of transport and traffic organization and technology,
– Designs of traffic equipment and signalization.
The Department of Transport Economics and Technology performs the following tasks:
– Preparation of feasibility studies and preliminary feasibility studies,
– Preparation of traffic designs, traffic technology reports and studies,
– Preparation of designs of traffic planning and traffic signalization for road, railway and water traffic,
– Preparation of designs of passenger information equipment in railway traffic,
– Traffic counting, survey of road users and preparation of traffic analyses and forecasts,
– Development of simulation models and traffic simulations in licensed software (Visum, OpenTrack),
– Technical verification.

Team for Engineering Services

The Team for Engineering Services deals with:
Provision of engineering services
Phase 1: the Team represents the Client from the notice of commencement date, in the period of construction works until obtaining inspection certificate from the relevant departments and institutions,
Phase 2: activities from the date of signing the Handing over record, within the defects liability period;
Technical supervision activities
Phase 1: preparatory activities and site possession by the Contractor,
Phase 2: technical supervision of works – monitoring and quality control of completed works. Control of compliance with technical regulations and standards, test certificates and other certificates, etc.
Phase 3: after issuing the inspection certificate, control of elimination of defects, if necessary;
Technical inspection of facilities
Verification of compliance of completed facility (or a part thereof) with Technical documentation, Decision on approved works, applicable regulations and standards for the works, incorporated materials, equipment and installations.
Occupational health and safety coordinator services.
Occupational safety and health coordinator activities are performed in accordance with the Regulation of occupational health and safety.
Environmental Protection Team
The Environmental Protection Team performs laboratory tests (environmental noise measurement) and prepares studies and technical documentation in the field of environmental engineering.
The following activities are performed in the Department for Laboratory Testing & Environmental Protection:
– Environmental noise measurement (Accredited testing laboratory, SI CIP (ATS 01-379)),
– Preparation and implementation of environmental monitoring plans,
– Preparation of Strategic environmental impact assessment,
– Preparation of Environmental impact assessment studies,
– Preparation of air quality plans,
– Preparation of documentation in the field of acoustic planning (noise calculation and mapping, determination of acoustic zones, preparation of strategic noise maps, environmental noise action plan and acoustic studies) and designs of technical environmental protection measures,
– Preparation of planning, technical and investment documentation in the field of waste management (waste management plans, technical documentation for construction of regional landfills, transfer stations, waste storage and treatment facilities, feasibility studies),
– Preparation of technical documentation in the field of water protection (wastewater treatment plants).