
In organizational terms, CIP is vertically integrated company that make efforts to strengthen its competitive positions and control market environment, and through its own patterns of development our team makes clear distinction between internal and external stimuli at all management levels.
The new organizational concept enables us to enhance the quality control of our services in order to achieve a high satisfaction index of our clients and minimize risks in the technical documentation design and preparation processes, as well as optimize all processes in the company to reach a high sustainability level.

Designs of railway and road infrastructure, urban traffic systems, buildings, sports and special-purpose facilities are the constant activities that prove high-quality and short completion times of Saobraćajni institut CIP. The above-mentioned activities are performed in 13 organizational units (11 Departments and 2 Offices) in accordance with the relevant documents of the Integrated Management System, Laboratory Quality System, Law on Planning and Construction, other reference laws and by-laws, and general documents of Institute of Transportation CIP.

Prof. dr Slaven M. Tica
Prof. dr Slaven M. TicaT.E. Managing Director
Through his successful participation in international organizations at the highest level, scientific and professional achievements involved in transport systems, and the results he has achieved through his work in the management of real transport systems, Prof. Slaven Tica is currently one of leading experts in Europe in domain of transport. From 2002 to 2008 he was the CEO of the Directorate for Public Transport – City of Belgrade and General Manager of the City public transport company – GSP “Beograd”. He has also worked as vice president of the International Association of Public Transport (UITP) and the President of the Light Rail Division. He was vice-dean for scientific research at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering – University of Belgrade and long-time Head of Department for Road and Urban Transport. He has extensive experience in the modernization of existing public transport system, and understanding of planning, technical, financial and institutional matters and their interfaces, interaction with available budget. He was an advisor to many city governments in project design, development and implementation of public transport system. He has vast experience in managing teams of international and local experts.
In the last 25 years, he has been actively involved in most of the projects related to planning and optimization of the public transport system in Serbia and the region. Of particular relevance is his experience in public transport asset planning and renewal infrastructure. He was team leader and consultant in many feasibility studies and projects related to public transport systems. He has extensive experience in developing integrated, multi-modal mobility systems in order to create a balanced transport systems which meets the needs of the citizens as well as being operationally and energy efficient, and cost effective.
He is an author on over 175 projects in the field of planning, organization and technology of transport and over 130 scientific research papers of in the field of transport. He is a participant and moderator of a number of scientific and professional events in the country and abroad in the field of traffic and transport. He is now Full professor at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering and honorary vice-president of the International Association of Public Transport (UITP). For his work and contribution to the profession he was awarded several times.


Ljiljana Mišković,
Ljiljana Mišković,M. Sc. Civ. Eng.Director of development and design of road infrastructure
Ljiljana MIŠKOVIĆ, graduate civil engineer, as one of the most successful students in her class at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade, Department of Structures, began her professional career in Saobraćajni institut CIP with preparation of design documentation for the “Prokop” project in 1999. She faced her first major design challenge during the reconstruction of the country after the NATO aggression in 2000 as a member of the design team for the “Varadinska duga” road bridge over the Danube River in Novi Sad, and afterwards she was a member of design supervision team during the bridge construction. As a designer and responsible designer, she participated in the preparation of several designs for reconstruction of railway bridges on the Niš – Dimitrovgrad railway line, the Pančevo – Zrenjanin – Kikinda railway line, the Belgrade – Lapovo railway line, the Belgrade – Mladenovac – Niš railway line, etc. She was the coordinator and responsible designer of several pedestrian bridges, as well as steel and composite bridge structures with spans exceeding 50 m. She was member of teams whose solutions of the ”Beška” Bridge and the Bridge over the Sava River at the location of the Old Sava Bridge won first place in international competitions.

In the period 2013 – 2020, as the Head of Structural Engineering Department, she was engaged in the organization and preparation of several infrastructure designs in the Republic of Serbia based on which the works were executed. The most significant completed designs are: the Belgrade – Novi Sad high-speed railway sections with more than 40 railway bridges and one tunnel, the Surčin – Obrenovac section of the Miloš the Great highway with twelve bridges including the bridge over the Sava and Kolubara Rivers. Moreover, the design for reconstruction of the Resnik – Valjevo railway section and related works were successfully completed in that period. In the field of infrastructure, the most important designs managed by her are: Preliminary design of the Novi Sad – Subotica high-speed railway section with more than 55 railway bridges, road bridges and wildlife crossings, and Preliminary design of the E761 Pojate – Preljina highway with more than 70 bridge structures. All designs of bridge structures on high-speed railway infrastructure were prepared in accordance with the latest European regulations. From 2021, as the Assistant managing director for technical affairs, she actively monitors preparation of the Preljina – Požega section and the New Belgrade – Surčin section of the E763 highway, the Požega – Kotroman section of the E761 highway, and the Kuzmin – Sremska Rača highway. She is an expert for local legislation procedures in the field of civil engineering, and for the latest European design and construction regulations.

In parallel with design work, during the previous years she was an active participant in several scientific and professional conferences in the country and abroad in the field of structural engineering and vibration analysis of structures. She is a co-author of more than 15 professional papers presented at national and international conferences, in renowned magazines and two chapters in national monographs. She has the responsible designer license for buildings, civil engineering and hydraulic structures since 2003 (license no. 310 3054 03). She is a member of the Presidency of the Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, a representative of Saobraćajni institut CIP in the Assembly of the “Via-Vita” Serbian Road Association, and a member of the Serbian Chamber of Engineers.

She is married and the mother of two children.

Aleksandra Lalić,
Aleksandra Lalić,M. Sc. Civ. Eng.Director of development and design of road infrastructure
In progress..
Vladimir Zarić,
Vladimir Zarić,M. Sc. Civ. Eng.Director of Development and Design of Railway Infrastructure
Vladimir Zarić is a graduate civil engineer with wide experience in the field of design and construction of railway infrastructure. He graduated as a civil engineer from the University of Belgrade in 2007, and after that he began his career at Saobraćajni institut CIP. During his career at CIP, he held different positions – from an associate to the leading designer, participating in the preparation of all levels of technical documentation – from studies, general and preliminary designs to building permit designs and detailed designs for reconstruction and modernization of the E70 and E85 international railway route sections. He was the leading designer in charge for the reconstruction and modernization of the Belgrade – Stara Pazova and the Novi Sad – Subotica – Kelebija sections of the double-track line, which was the first railway line in the Balkans constructed in accordance with European standards for interoperability in passenger and freight transport. Through cooperation with international companies and state institutions, investors and contractors, Vladimir obtained extensive experience during implementation of the railway infrastructure projects (technical aspect, administration, procedures, deadlines, ecosystem of different key participants). Currently, Vladimir is the technical director for development and design of railway infrastructure at CIP, with the mission to make more significant contribution to implementation of plans for the modernization and transformation of the railway infrastructure in Serbia.
Dragan Ilić,
Dragan Ilić,M. Sc. Civ. Eng.Director of Design and Consulting in Building Construction
In March 1995 he graduated from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Process Engineering. After graduation, in May of the same year, he got a job with Saobraćajni institut CIP, where he still works today. In the period from 1995 to September 2006, he obtained the design license no. 330 issued by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers (responsible designer for thermal engineering, thermal power engineering, process and gas engineering), performed the duties of leading and responsible designer, project manager for residential, commercial, sports, energy and industrial facilities, etc., technical verification of technical documentation, technical supervision, and was a member of commissions for technical inspection of completed buildings, plants, installations, etc.

In the period from September 2006 to June 2019, he successfully performed the duties of the Head of Mechanical Engineering Department in Saobraćajni institut CIP. The main activities and responsibilities of this position were: complete management, administration and organization of the technical, legal and financial work and operations of the Mechanical Engineering Department, for all design activities of the Mechanical Engineering Department (design, technical verification, technical supervision, etc.).

In July 2019, he was appointed Assistant managing director for technical affairs, and he still holds this position today. In this position, he actively participates in the managerial, administrative and organizational affairs of the entire company. He successfully responds to all assigned tasks and obligations, such as project planning, budget planning, implementation, project management, coordination of all activities and controlling fulfilment of business obligations, preparation of offers, contracts, reports, etc., establishment and maintenance of relations with clients and end users and monitoring their satisfaction with services, good knowledge, monitoring and application of laws, legal and technical regulations necessary for the company’s operation in the fields of planning, construction, energy efficiency, fire protection, occupational safety, etc. In Saobraćajni institut CIP he also performs the function of Secret data handler and successfully managed the preparation of several designs that were marked “Confidential” and “Top Secret”.

In addition, he believes that successful operation of the company requires maintaining a high degree of positive working atmosphere and healthy interpersonal relations in the team and with external collaborators, as well as organizing and regularly participating in non-business activities with business partners from his own and other companies (sports, celebrations, cultural events, etc.).


Radmila Đukanović,
Radmila Đukanović,M. Sc. Econ.Director of Financial & Economic Affairs
She is employed by Saobraćajni institut CIP d.o.o. since 1989 and gained professional experience in various positions within the organization itself. Additional education was provided by seminars, webinars and conferences in the country.

For the last 18 years, she has been successfully engaged in the organization and affairs related to financial planning, financial risk management and financial analysis in various management positions.

She is the Assistant managing director for economic and financial affairs since 2017, responsible for the legality of business operations and the accuracy of financial statements, as well as for the preparation, timely and accurate delivery of one of the most important business processes, such as the Business Program and the Report on the implementation of the Company’s Business Program.

Publicly available Financial statements and results of Saobraćajni institut CIP d.o.o. achieved in the last 10 years show the success of financial projects within the finance function.

Gordana Petrović,
Gordana Petrović,M. Sc. Econ.Director of Financial & Economic Affairs
She graduated from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics, Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance.

She worked for PUC GSP “Beograd” in the period from 2000 to December 2018.

She started as an intern in the Financial department. In the course of her work in PUC GSP “Beograd” she gradually passed all positions and management levels within the profession thanks to her work, commitment and vocational training. In September 2010, she was appointed the Director of finance and investments. In July 2015, as a result of the implementation of new legal regulations, the mentioned position changed its name to Executive director, and she continued to work as Executive director for commercial and financial affairs until November 2016.

In the period from December 2016 to May 2017, she worked as Director of the “Finance” OU.

In the period from June 2017 to November 2018, she performed the duties of Coordinator for technical, financial and general affairs.

In the period from 2007 to 2008, she was a member of the Supervisory board of the company.

She participated in the implementation of the bus fleet renewal project financed by EBRD loans. In this process, she played the role of a negotiator with the EBRD and the City of Belgrade for the purpose of financing and procurement of vehicles. She also actively participated in the implementation of the project: “Development of strategic organizational plan for the PUC GSP “Belgrade” financed by EBRD funds.

She participated in the working group for the pilot project of applying the Law on Public Property in public enterprises, where a model of law application in the public sector was created in cooperation with the representatives of the City of Belgrade.

She participated in several formal and informal working groups organized by the City of Belgrade in the fields of wage calculation system and labour legislation, application of collective agreements and property.

When PUC “Belgrade Metro and Train” was established and began its business operations on 1st December 2018, she worked as the Executive director for economic and financial affairs until March 2020, when she started to perform duties of the Director of Sector for economic and financial affairs. In addition to handling operational tasks in the economic and financial field, she actively participated in contracting procedures and performance of the contract for preparation of technical documentation for the Belgrade metro system, as well as in negotiations with the future contractor for construction of the Belgrade metro.

From 1st March 2023, she works for Saobraćajni institut CIP d.o.o. in the position of the Assistant managing director for economic and financial affairs.

Sanja Bosančić,
Sanja Bosančić,Master of LawDirector of Human Resources, Legal and General Affairs
Razvojni put je započela u Loznici, gde je završila osnovnu školu i gimnaziju, kao nosilac Vukove diplome. Svoje teoretsko znanje iz oblasti pravnih nauka stekla je na Pravnom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, koji je, kao i master studije na istom, završila u roku, sa prosečnom ocenom preko 9. Za vreme studiranja, bila je stipendista Fonda za mlade talente Vlade Republike Srbije i uspečno je odbranila više seminarskih radova iz različtih oblasti prava. Svoje 17-godišnje radno iskustvo stekla je dugogdišnjim radom u železničkim kompanijama u Republici Srbiji („Železnice Srbije“ ad, „Srbija Kargo“ a.d. i „Infrastruktura železnice Srbije“ a.d.), od čega više od 9 godina na rukovodećim pozicijama – direktor Sektora za pravne poslove. Trenutno radi u Saobraćajnom institutu CIP d.o.o. na poslovima Pomoćnika generalnog direktora za pravne, kadrovske i opšte poslove. Poseduje sertifikat Službenika za javne nabavke, vozačku dozvolu B kategorije. Služi se srpskim i engleskim jezikom, kao i francuskim jezikom.


mr Novica Stevanović,
mr Novica Stevanović,M. Sc. Civ. Eng.Head of Roads and Railways
From the first engineering steps, Novica Stevanović, Master of Science in Civil Engineering, successfully participated in the implementation of numerous civil engineering projects (design, implementation, and supervision of works). From 1981 to 1984, he was a manager in “Erozija” Company, Vladičin Han in the production of concrete elements and in the laboratory for mixing, control and placing of concrete. From 1984 to 1985, he was a site manager in “Žegrap” Company, Belgrade, responsible for construction of Tamnava – Vreoci industrial track, with related facilities for the needs of REIK “Kolubara”, Lazarevac. From 1985 to 1987, he was the Head of concrete technology laboratory in “Kolubara građevinar” Company, Lazarevac. From 1987 to the present day, he works in Saobraćajni institut CIP on the preparation of technical documentation for construction of railway lines, highways, state roads, city streets, etc. In the period 1992-1993, he was the Supervising Engineer of construction/modernization works on the Belgrade – Novi Sad – Subotica railway line, Stara Pazova – Indjija section. In the last 22 years, he is the Head of the Department of Roads and Railways involved in all design processes: preparation of offers for contracting, organization, implementation, control, and finalization of technical documentation for multidisciplinary linear infrastructure projects that have changed the image of Serbia. He is a member of the Belgrade Association of Engineers and was its vice president in the period from 2009 to 2019. He published several professional papers in the field of road traffic safety, design methodology and multicriteria evaluation of extra-urban road variants. He participated in numerous conferences in Serbia and region in the field of road and railway infrastructure. He is one of the co-authors of the monography “Road reconstruction design methodology” (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, 2001). He has a license for responsible designer of roads and railways since 2003 (No. 315 1153 03).
Biljana Čolić,
Biljana Čolić,M. Sc. Civ. Eng.Head of Department of Structural Engineering
In the preparation
Svetlana Karanović,
Svetlana Karanović,M. Sc. ArchitectureHead of Department of Architecture and Urban Planning
Through her twenty-seven year work experience in Institute of Transportation CIP since 1995., has contributed in upgrade of work process in fields: urban planning, architectural design, historical sites and energy efficiency as responsible designer, chief designer, author, coordinator and manager. Thanks to her work, many healtcare, educational, historical, soprt, appartment and infrastrutural objects have been build. She is open for cooperation and team work, she is accepting of technical innovations and ideas, and is thorough and precise. She is a member of Engeneering Chamber of Serbia since its inception, and in two mandates (since 2012.) was a member of Engeneering Chamber assembly. Licences she owns: responsible designer of architecture (No. 300 1200 03), resposible person for energy efficiency for buildings (No. 381 0158 12) and resposible urbanist (No. 200 1410 13). Other than designed, she is also extremely experienced in project management in all fazes, form analysis of inicial idea, through contracting, defining project realisation dynamics and financial realisation dynamics, tracking use of law regulations, standars, to getting constuction permit. As a member of author teams, she gained multiple architectural contest awards. She is an winner of Engeneering Chamber’s exeptional achievement award for her Sports Center of Football Association of Serbia project. Projects she was working on and managing were published in professional magazines. She is a winner of National Theater’ seal for contribution in life and work of the theatre. As a representative of her profession she cooperates with educational institutions (Architectural School of Belgrade and Faculty of Architecture of University of Belgrade) through participation in accreditation and expert commissions. She is a member of expert commitions for urban projects verification.
Tatjana Knežević,
Tatjana Knežević,M. Sc. Electrical Eng.Head of Department of Electrical Engineering
Designer of telecommunications networks and systems with many years of experience. She graduated on the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade in 1990. In the Traffic Institute CIP d.o.o. has been working since 2005. in the positions of leading designer, advisor, manager of the Telecommunications Group within the Department of Electrical Engineering, and from 2021. works as director of the Department of Electrical Engineering. She participated as a responsible designer in the development of a large number of designs, primarily railway infrastructure. As a leading and responsible designer, she worked on Preliminary designs, designs for building permits and designs for the implementation of dispatching telecommunication devices for the railway from Belgrade to Stara Pazova and from Stara Pazova to Novi Sad, as well as optical infrastructure designs for the mentioned railway with a speed up to 200 km/h.-2016-2020.g. She participated in the development of railway reconstruction designs in the field of telecommunications systems and cable infrastructure, namely Resnik-Valjevo on the Belgrade-Bar railway(2015.g.), Rasputnica G-Resnik, Bagrdan-Jagodina, Sopot Kosmajski-Kovačevac railway. (2013.g.) As a responsible designer, she worked on the main optical infrastructure designs on the railways of Corridor X for the needs of the Serbian Railways. She worked as a coordinator of the development of the General Design of the integrated telecommunication infrastructure system on the railway network of Serbia in consultation with the experts of the Railways of Serbia. (2011.g.)

In addition to designs related to railway infrastructure, in the capacity of leading designer, she worked on Main designs for the needs of mobile telephony stations for Investor VIP mobile. (2008.-2009.g.)
She participated in the technical inspection of the Komren – Prosek highway.(2007.g.)
In the capacity of a supervisory authority, she worked on the adaptation of an existing business building for the needs of the Ministry of Economy at 15 Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra Street. (2006.g.)
She currently works as the director of the Department of Electrical Engineering and as a design coordinator for electromechanical and traffic equipment for the I and II subdivisions of the Preljina-Požega highway, which include two double tunnels Laz and Munjino brdo. In the period from 1995 to 2005. she worked for the Stankom holding company in development and quality work. In the period from 1991 to 1995, she worked at the Traffic Institute CIP d.o.o. in the position of associate designer on the design of underground station „Vukov spomenik“.

She is a member of the Serbian Chamber of Engineers and have a license for designing telecommunication networks and systems.


Nenad Đorđević,
Nenad Đorđević,M. Sc. Mech. Eng.Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering
Graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Belgrade in 1991, and was employed at SI CIP the same year. From the beginning, he was involved in the design process as a Designer in railway engineering Has 32 years of professional experience in the field of railway mechanical engineering from probation period to the Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering. Led the project of technology of regeneration and processing of wheels of axle assemblies of railway vehicles. He led and was the responsible designer for the preparation of technical documentation mechanical technology of facilities for the maintenance of railway vehicles in all stages of technical documentation. Worked on the study of defining technological operations for the repair of shock absorbers of railway vehicles. He participated in the creation and management of all types of technical documentation of transport facilities, storage of oil and oil derivatives, facilities for accommodation and operation of specialized equipment in the field of mechanical technology of industrial facilities, warehouses and means of transport. Performed technical control of technical documentation in the field of mechanical engineering for several facilities, as well as Technical inspections for obtaining a use permit. Participated as a supervisor in the construction of facilities of interest to the Republic and other facilities. Participated in the development of over 90 projects in all phases, and studied as a Chief Designer, Responsible Designer or Project Participant.He has a license as a responsible designer of transport means, warehouses and machine structures and technology since 2003 No-333 0924 03. He is currently Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Vladan Vukić,
Vladan Vukić,M. Sc. Civ. Eng.Head of Department of Hydraulic Engineering
During his long career, he participated in the implementation of many projects as designer, contractor, and project manager. He gained work experience in the renowned design companies such as “Hidroprojekat” and “Saobraćajni institut CIP”, while design and construction experience acquired in “Montinvest ad” company in the country and abroad.
He has the following licenses:
• 314 F 554 07 – preparation of technical documentation – hydraulic engineering
• 414 C 004 07 – construction of structures – hydraulic engineering
As a specialist in the field of hydraulic engineering, he participated in the preparation of design documentation for several areas:
• Designs of external and internal water supply and sewage systems
• Regulation of rivers
• Hydraulic engineering designs related to infrastructure systems: highways, railway lines…
• Wastewater treatment systems
As a consultant and supervising engineer, he participated in the following projects:
• External and internal water supply and sewage infrastructure in the territory of Murzuq Municipality – Libya
• Associate – specialist for design, supervision and taking over of facilities for refugees – Swiss Disaster Relief (Belgrade Office)
As a designer, contractor, and site manager:
• Sewage system projects in the city of Al Khoms
• Manager of the Project for operation and maintenance of Tripoli Medical Centre (160,000 m2)
• Technical director of the Project for Alhabda Alkhadra central wastewater treatment plant in Tripoli, Phase 3
• Regional director of the Company
Russian Federation
• Chief engineer and deputy project manager on the Office Complex Project at the Preobrazenskaya Ploshchad (120,000 m2) in Moscow
• Chief engineer on the Residential – Business Complex Project in Anapa
• Chief engineer on the Gazprom Headquarters Project in St. Petersburg
• Project manager on the construction of Apart Hotel in Moscow (Tatlin apartments – 20,000 m2)
Vladimir Filipović,
Vladimir Filipović,M. Sc. Geology Eng.Head of Department of Geotechnical Engineering
Vladimir Filipović has been employed at the CIP Transportation Institute since August 1, 1990. In the time frame of 6 years he worked as a responsible designer, he finished over 30 projects: from the rehabilitation of landslides on the Belgrade – Bar railway; via highways: E-75, sections; Levosoje – Bukurevac and Donji Neradovac – Levosoje; reconstruction of railways, new railway line Bijeljina – Brčko – Šamac; to residential buildings: from Block 32 in New Belgrade to a dozen buildings within the framework of country renewal in 2000. year
Since 2001 he has been the Director of the Department of Geotechnics. In that period, the Institute of transportation CIP carried out a large number of very important infrastructure projects for which the geotechnical department performed geotechnical investigations. The most significant projects are: the Gilje – Ćuprija – Paraćin railway line with a bridge over Velika Morava, high-speed railway line Belgrade – Subotica – State border, highway E-75, sections Gornje Polje – Caričina Dolina, Donji Neradovac – Levosoje – Bukurevac, railway line Niš – Dimitrovgrad, highway E-80, sections Čiflik – Ponor – Pirot, Sukovo – Dimitrovgrad, Crvena Reka – Čiflik – Staničenje, highway E-763, sections Novi Beograd – Surčin – Obrenovac, Ub – Lajkovac, Donji Banjani – Boljkovci, Takovo – Preljina, Preljina – Požega, highway E-761, Pojate – Preljina, section Pojate – Kruševac, highway Kuzmin – Sremska Rača, highway Požega – Kotroman, highway and freight railway bypass line Beli Potok – Vinča – Pančevo with a bridge over the Danube, “Mihajlo Pupin” bridge over the Danube with the road “Severna tangeta”, reconstruction of the section of the railway line Resnik – Valjevo. Investigations were also carried out for the buildings: Avalski Tower, US Embassy Complex in Belgrade, “Stepa Stepanović” and “Dr. Ivana Ribara” residential areas, National House of Football in Stara Pazova, “Kostolac” Port, thermal power plant “Kosolac B”, “Belgrade Waterfront” business and residential area, SC “Ada Mall” in Belgrade, etc. In addition to good organization and successful management, he actively participated as advisor in the creation of all mentioned geotechnical documentations and projects. He has been the author or co-author of dozens of professional and scientific works published in domestic and foreign anthologies and professional journals. He has been a participant or a member of organizational and scientific committees, at dozens of scientific and professional meetings and consultations in the field of geology and geotechnics, in the country and abroad. He is an owner of licenses 391 and 491 for geotechnic issued by Engineering Chamber of Republic of Serbia.

He is the vice-president of the Serbian Committee for Engineering Geology and Geotechnics of DGEITS.

Željko V. Andžić,
Željko V. Andžić,M. Sc. Geodetic Eng.Head of Department of Geodesy
With 24 years of working experience, he held all positions in the systematization of Saobraćajni institut CIP, from the position of Associate Designer to Leading Designer. In 2020 he was appointed as Head of the Department of Geodesy. He has license for responsible designer and license for responsible contracting engineer issued by the Chamber of Engineers of Serbia as well as first-order geodetic license issued by the Republic Geodetic Authority. He was responsible for key railway and road infrastructure projects, such as: Project of modernization of the Belgrade – Stara Pazova – Novi Sad railway line, the E-763 highway project (Takovo – Preljina and Preljina – Požega sections), and many other projects in the area of urban planning, road, and railway infrastructure, building construction, hydraulic engineering, etc. In addition to participation in the preparation of technical documentation, he was intensively engaged as a responsible person for engineering services i.e., supervision of works on the implementation of projects of national interest, such as E-763 highway (Ub – Lajkovac section), National House of Football in Stara Pazova, Zemun technical and passenger station, etc. He is particularly specialized in the preparation of design documentation and establishment of geodetic networks of structures. He is actively involved in the work of professional organizations in Serbia. He was a member of the Committees for the defence of master’s theses in vocational studies as a mentor in economy.


Petar Đapić,
Petar Đapić,M. Sc. Traffic Eng.Head of Department of Transport Economics and Technology
After graduating from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering Department of Road Traffic and Transport, he has been employed at Saobraćajni institut CIP since 2005. During the past period, he held various positions, from associate designer to lead designer, and in 2024 he was appointed as the Head of Department of Transport Economics and Technology. He has been involved in research, planning, and design of key road infrastructure projects, primarily in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. In addition to General and Preliminary designs of highways and lower class state roads, he was the associate and later the author of Traffic studies and Traffic analyses and forecasts, which included the sections such as Belgrade – Požega, Požega – Boljare, Požega – Kotroman, Pojate – Kruševac, Kruševac – Adrani, Preljina – Požega, Belgrade – Surčin – Obrenovac, New Belgrade – Surčin, sector C of the Belgrade bypass, Kuzmin – Sremska Rača, Pančevo – Vršac, Banja Luka – Doboj, Banja Luka – Prijedor – Novi Grad, North Tangent Road in Belgrade, Vršac bypass, Northern Bypass around Čačak, Iverak – Lajkovac road, and Gornji Milanovac – Takovo road.
He is the author of technological designs of service facilities on the highway sections. He prepared parts of traffic and technological studies for EPS (Electric Power Industry of Serbia), as part of the construction of new energy facilities and supporting infrastructure in Kostolac and Kolubara. He is the author of traffic analysis and forecasts for Ljubovija, Horgoš, and Batrovci border crossings. He is the responsible designer for Designs of traffic signalization and equipment, from Preliminary designs to Detailed designs, with the most significant being highway sections Pojate – Kruševac (sector 2) and Preljina – Požega (subsection 2 – Munjino Brdo tunnel), as well as Oslobođenja Boulevard from Slavija Square to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Borska – Lasta interchange (sector 2), and Belgrade bus station complex in Block 42. Ha participated in the preparation of planning documentation, including road traffic chapters of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia for two projects, as well as spatial plans of the municipalities of Mionica, Osečina, and Čajetina, and spatial plans of the special purposes areas for: Belgrade – Požega, Pojate – Preljina, Stari Ras with Sopoćani and the Belgrade – Subotica railway line. He performed technical review of Designs of traffic signalization and equipment with the most significant being highway sections Novi Sad – Horgoš, Pirot – Sukovo – Dimitrovgrad, Caričina dolina – Vladičin Han, and Lajkovac – Ljig – Boljkovci. He was in charge for supervision of works on several projects for the construction of residential buildings for members of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defense. He has licenses 370 and 470 issued by the Serbian Chamber of Engineers, as well as the license for the review of technical documentation related to traffic signalization and supervision of works issued by the Republic of Srpska.
Slaviša Zlatanović,
Slaviša Zlatanović,M. Sc. Civ. Eng.Head of Department of Engineering Services
He graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of Niš, Building Construction Department.

In 1998, he started working at GP ‘Master’ doo Niš as a site engineer.

In 1999, he was employed at GIK “Graditelj” Leskovac as a site manager and later as a construction manager (project manager) in charge of the construction of various facilities, infrastructure, etc. (residential buildings, commercial buildings, sports hall, bridges, etc.).

In 2003, he joined the Directorate for Development of Leskovac PC working as a specialized investment consultant.

In 2004, he was appointed as the director of the Building Directorate of Serbia. His main activities and responsibilities in this position involved management and organization of the working and business activities of the Directorate until 2007 when he moved to the Ministry of Youth and Sports as an assistant minister in the sector of facility construction (sports halls, sports fields, swimming pools, athletic hall in Belgrade, House of Football in Stara Pazova, etc.)

In 2012, he was appointed as the director of the Directorate for Development of Leskovac PC.

In early 2015, he became the Assistant Mayor of Leskovac for construction and infrastructure. In this position, he managed all projects related to construction and infrastructure (wastewater treatment plant, city sewer, sports hall, local roads, etc.), and by the end of 2016, he became an advisor to the Head of the City Administration of Leskovac with the same responsibilities.

At the beginning of 2020, he started working at ‘Velestroj’ (Russia) as an assistant to the chief engineer (Yamal LNG Sabetta), and by the end of the same year he moved to Saobraćajni institut CIP as the leading designer in the Department of Engineering Services and was appointed as the director of the Department in 2023.

Mr Gorica Aleksic Milosavljević,
Mr Gorica Aleksic Milosavljević,M. Sc. Tech. EngHead of Department for Laboratory Testing & Environmental Protection
Graduated from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of the University of Pristina, Department of Chemistry, Department of Chemical Engineering. obtained a degree at the Faculty of Technological and Metallurgicy of the University of Belgrade and earned the title of Master of Technical Sciences. Presently, she is pursuing her PhD at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, in the field of environmental engineering. She is a member of the Technical Committee of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia for the assessment of: Study on Environmental Impact Assessment, Safety Report and Accident Protection Plan, conditions predicted within the draft Integrated Permit (IPPC Permit), and Memeber of Committee for the Assessment of the Report on Strategic Impact Assessment at the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia. Member of the Serbian Demolition Association. Employed at the Traffic Institute CIP d.o.o. Belgrade, with more than 22 years of work experience in the preparation of planning, technical and study documentation in the field of environmental protection, and in laboratory testing. In the period from 2000-2022., she was a leader or member of various multidisciplinary teams on the creation of over 250 studies and projects, some of which were supported by international financial institutions (EBRD, EIB, World Bank).
She has broad professional experience in preparation: Strategic Environmental Impact Assessments of infrastructure corridors and industrial plants Environmental Impact Assessment Studies of Construction / Reconstruction / Rehabilitation Projects of urban and interurban roads, highways, bridges, border crossings, tunnels, tram and train railway tracks, industrial plants and other facilities; Waste Management Plans, Studies and Projects, Wastewater Treatment and Water Protection Projects; Monitoring Projects and identification of harmful and hazardous substances in the Environment Projects, Management System Governing and Implementation in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standards.
Gorica Aleksić Milosavljević is author and co-author of a large number of published articles in international and domestic journals. She was a participant in the implementation of several scientific research projects co-financed by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. She posesses a systematic knowledge in the field of environmental protection, particularly in the area of water protection, waste management, simulation models for chemical accidents and determining of danger areas, multi-criteria evaluation and decision-making in terms of environmental protection. She has exceptional organizational skills and knowledge in the field of national and international standards, regulations in the field of environmental protection, environmental protection policies of international financial institutions (EBRD, EIB, World Bank).


University of Belgrade
University of BelgradeProf.dr. Vladan Đokić,Rektor
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering
Faculty of Transport and Traffic EngineeringProf. dr Nebojša Bojović,Dekan fakulteta
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Civil Engineeringprof. dr Vladan M. Kuzmanović,Dekan fakulteta
Faculty of Architecture
Faculty of ArchitectureProf. arh. Vladimir Lojanica,Dekan fakulteta


Faculty of Mining and Geology
Faculty of Mining and GeologyProf.dr Biljana Abolmasov,Dekan fakulteta
Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy
Faculty of Technology and MetallurgyProf.dr Petar Uskoković,Dekan fakulteta
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringProf.dr Vladimir M. Popović,Dekan fakulteta
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Electrical EngineeringProf.dr Dejan Gvozdić,Dekan fakulteta
