Experts from the Institute of Transportation CIP and the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering successfully completed and presented this important study and development project.

The scope of the study was a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the public transport system in Belgrade, definition of future transport requirements, and a program of activities aimed at the optimal integration of the urban and suburban railway transport system into the overall system, including an assessment of necessary investments and expected transport effects, with a particular emphasis on developing the infrastructure capacities of the Belgrade Railway Junction (BRJ).

The key goal of the study was to define a framework for establishing an efficient, safe, and reliable railway system as part of the Belgrade transport system and to create the conditions for developing an integrated multimodal system by implementing systematic activities, with an imperative to ensure the transition of the system to a desired future state without abrupt changes and unforeseen circumstances.

Representatives of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Serbia, Directorate for Railways, Infrastructure of Serbian Railways, Serbia Train, Serbia Cargo, City Administration of the City of Belgrade – Secretariat for Transport and Secretariat for Public Transport, Belgrade Railway Junction Construction Company Ltd, Belgrade Metro and Train PUC, and Railway Integral Transport Ltd attended the presentation of the obtained results.